Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Grey Squirrel

I absolutely love grey squirrels. They sort of resemble cartoonish characters. There is always a rolly-polly grey squirrel in every yard that I've owned. They are perpetually scavenging for nuts and then bouncing across the lawn with their treats. It's amazing how such a chubby critter can remain acrobatic.

When I was young, I had a stuffed grey squirrel toy. He was a special surprise after I underwent surgery on my adnoids and had tubes placed in my ears. I always found him very comforting and I used to give him to my brother for comfort when he needed a plush, fuzzy toy to hug.

In honor of my plump, fuzzy squirrel friends, I have created this drawing. It is 8 x 10" in size and drawn in soft pastels on smooth, white vellum. I hope that he brings you much joy in the midst of the current snowy weather!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Northen Cardinal

When I was young, my grandparents' home was one of my favorite places to spend time. It was cozy and my grandfather always invented creative projects to calm my energy. One of our special activities was birdwatching. My grandfather had a birdfeeder in his yard, and we would sneak peeks at the feeding birds through the curtains.

One of his favorite birds was the cardinal. I always thought that the Bluejays were equally fascinating with their bright blue feathers and crested head. Dziedz, my grandfather, would remind me that the Bluejays are the bullies of the feeder. They use their size to intimidate the other birds and keep the food to themselves. The cardinals were equally beautiful, but gentler in nature. It was then that I began to appreciate the Northern Cardinal.

In honor of Dziedz, I drew this Northern Cardinal female. I also researched the traits of this beautiful bird. They are known for their song, which can sound like they are saying, "purdy, purdy, purdy". If you want to attract them to your yard, make sure that you have winter and fall fruits on your property, as well as plants, vines, and shrubs. They prefer American Bittersweet, Sumac, and Conifers for cover and food. (Information provided by

This drawing is rendered in soft pastels on smooth, white vellum. It is 8 x 10" in size and available for sale.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Red Spotted Newt

The idea of drawing a newt has been on my mind since the summer of 2009. I tend to want to draw wildlife that I have an attachment to, and newts certainly have a special place in my heart. When we were little, my brother and I would walk along the dirt roads in Alstead hunting for newts. We would carry a plastic bucket & slowly check the roads for the orange beauties after a rainstorm. Newts always seem to come out after it rains.

I have to admit that I did not take the reference photo for this drawing. I did try to photograph newts during the summer, but I could never zoom close enough to capture the perfect picture. In my head, I kept seeing the newt face-on, crawling on rocks. So, I scoured and found reference that ended up fulfilling the composition in my head. Photoshop helped me fuse background and subject photos together to create the best reference.

The drawing is rendered in soft pastels on smooth, white vellum. It is 8 x 10" in size.