Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Illustration Friday - The 80's

This week's Illustration Friday topic is the 80's. To me, nothing screams "the 80's" more than mullets and Full House. So... I have loosely rendered John Stamos in pastels. I tried to use the bright colors that were "so popular" in the 80's. I think I had leggings the color of the background. Comments, critiques, and rotten tomato throwing are welcome...


Amy Zaleski said...

Nicely rendered. Who'd have ever guessed he'd still be around, playing a doctor on tv these days. Way to go Uncle Jesse! (First memory is "Blackie" from General Hospital - remember that?)

steve said...

Great work! Some trivia for ya--you know he actually was a member of the Beach Boys in the 80s as well--Kokomo years. ;)

Anonymous said...

Woo...very nice! I was so in love with John Stamos back in the 80s!

Michelle Lana said...

Hahaha....nicely done!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought when glancing through the thumbnails, "IS THAT UNCLE JESSE?!" Great capture of his likeness.

Daymo said...

Lucks like somebody important cool illo