Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Creature Comforts

There are times when nothing is more soothing than a pile of pillows and a stuffed animal. The portrait above shows how my beloved furball, Sasha, finds comfort. If Sasha is looking to blow off some steam, she'll jump on our futon and chew on her stuffed goose. I think she enjoys the stacks of cushions on the futon and the furry texture of her goose toy. Furry toys are pretty much the only toys, besides rodents, that she enjoys playing with.

I thought it would be cute to take a picture of Sash with a stuffed toy in her mouth. This portrait is a bit different then many of my portraits, since I set up the scene. I lured Sash onto the futon with her goose toy and snapped away as she chewed on the faux fur. Yum.

The background was created in my imagination. I didn't like the cushions that were in the reference photo, so I drew some sari-like cushions in the background. I thought that a little color would spice the portrait up.

The portrait is 11x14" in size and is drawn with soft pastels on smooth, white vellum. I used a kneaded eraser for blending and texture. The kneaded eraser is excellent for creating stuffed animal fur texture. Hope that you enjoy this new piece.

: )
