Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Ellis Bunch!

The picture above is my latest commission. These adorable poodles are snuggling up in a festive fall orchard. It's the perfect piece for fall. You can almost smell the leaves and apples...

The drawing is rendered in soft pastels on smooth, white vellum. It is 11x14" in size.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Where's My Dinner?

The piece above is my latest pastel. I felt that it was time to satisfy my interest in drawing a Persian cat. I took a lot of reference pictures of Persians at a cat show in Nashua this past spring. There was something about their cute, up-turned noses that gave me the giggles. Their expressions are priceless and their coats are absolutely stunning.

I decided to call this piece, "Where's My Dinner?" in honor of the high-maintenance cat. To this cat, it's owners are the "staff". Dinner will be served promptly every evening in a crystal bowl with a brocade tablecloth underneath. The high-maintenance cat lives to luxuriate. This particular cat is on the verge of a feline tantrum. Dinner is late and that is unacceptable.

This drawing is rendered in soft pastels on smooth, white vellum. It is 11x14" in size and available for sale.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Art In The Park Award

I just received the latest newsletter in the mail from the Monadnock Area Artists Association (formerly the Keene Artists Association). There was a write-up on the Art In The Park festival with a list of award winners. After browsing through the list of winners, I was surprised to see that I won an Honorable Mention in Category Three (pastel, colored pencil, charcoal, pen & ink, and original printmaking). I was standing at the main tent when the awards were announced and didn't hear my name announced. I thought that I hadn't won anything. It was a fun surprise to see that I won an honorable mention in my first year of participation. The piece that won is posted above.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Piccadilly Pooches

The piece above is my latest commission. The three pooches above were very special to the owners of Piccadilly Hutch. This drawing is in memory of three very special dogs. One of the awesome things about portraiture is that our pets and people that have passed away can come alive on the canvas. While the actual pet may not be visible to us anymore, their portrait serves as a reminder of their adorable eyes and personality.

"Piccadilly Pooches" is rendered in soft pastels on smooth, white vellum. The dimensions are 11x14".