Monday, October 13, 2008

Where's My Dinner?

The piece above is my latest pastel. I felt that it was time to satisfy my interest in drawing a Persian cat. I took a lot of reference pictures of Persians at a cat show in Nashua this past spring. There was something about their cute, up-turned noses that gave me the giggles. Their expressions are priceless and their coats are absolutely stunning.

I decided to call this piece, "Where's My Dinner?" in honor of the high-maintenance cat. To this cat, it's owners are the "staff". Dinner will be served promptly every evening in a crystal bowl with a brocade tablecloth underneath. The high-maintenance cat lives to luxuriate. This particular cat is on the verge of a feline tantrum. Dinner is late and that is unacceptable.

This drawing is rendered in soft pastels on smooth, white vellum. It is 11x14" in size and available for sale.